Thursday, March 29, 2007

New styles with new presentation

So finally I had the time and chance to check the new features of the software we using to design at work, I can say for sure that it helped our sales to increase, so tell me guys what do you think?

Monday, March 26, 2007

Is it true? Or she's just being mean?

Every time and then the youth of the family get together and have a nice dinner I was happy of such an idea since I don’t really see them much coz of my job, but this last dinner really upset me some how I don’t know if its just me being sensitive or what been said was really mean!

Ok , hmmm this is tricky and little confusing hehe will try to explain as much as I can, my grandma was married early so was my mom, I'm kinda in the same age as moms cousins which I always thought so cool since they are the only relatives we have in Jordan. The thing here is that my grandma "mom side" and my dads family are some how related that why they share the same surname.

So not like always, this dinner was somehow special since one of mom's cousins got engaged YAAPY! I was happy about that! After waiting half an hour for everyone to gather up and the new couples to join us, we sat down and she started to introduce him to who didn’t meet him yet "I was one of them" after I'm done of introducing myself she said "but she's not from the FAMILY" he looked at her puzzled and I was silent, to break the silent she said "I'm Kidding!" I smiled acting like no harm was done. Ya3ni bala3tha! I don’t know why she said that?! Did she really mean it? Yeah maybe I'm not her close cousin but I 'm from the family right? Well that wasn’t the end, after we done and saying goodbyes her fiancĂ© hoped he would see me in the dinner grandma was doing " that’s my mom grandma!" hehe yeah she's still alive, I said "sure, inshallah" not having any clue if there was any special dinner on that we would be invited for. Her sister turned to me and said "yeah! I hope so IF YOU GUYS BEEN INVITED!" that what really upset me, it did hurt me.

I don’t know why they said that? Is it true that I'm not considered as one of the family? Or it's just them being mean?....

Saturday, March 24, 2007


I know its late to post this :/ but I took photos of last weeks' snow :D this is for Sara and Yvonne, it does SNOW here girls! Enjoy….

photos taken from my room window :)

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Missing me?

Hi guys, I know I know its been long time since I posted, Thanks Jad for your e-mails they made me happy knowing there s someone who s really reading my posts.

Things have been hard lately, Mom got sick "Thank God shes doing better", cooking and looking after who is at home ain't that easy!!!! And work got more stressful, meetings and lots of paper work.

So here I am now back and hope I will write more in these next 2 days.