Since I heard Massari - Real Love song, I can't get it out of my head and I have to move my body with the song, I really love that song! I downloaded it so I can listen to it in my car and that didn't
Stop me from dancing in there :p people would think am crazy or there is a bee in my car it's just me having some FUN!
To know more about Massari Click Here
To download the song Click Here
Do u know something , yesterday , i was driven to Hi5 and one person had a asong for him on her profile " be easy ", it was amazing , so i added it to the favourite and keep it opened all the time to hear it :)
actualli i didnt like masari, but i know how it feels when u get addicted to a song :) hehehee
he have many nice songs dar one of them arabic is added :)
His voice is so WEAK! It's like someone has him by the balls. lol
lol ... thats funny mysterious
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