Saturday, August 11, 2007

This Or That?

I want to get a new phone since that mine is not doing that good job, so I'm not sure what to pick, what you guys think I should get?

Nokia N95



Qabbani said...

Nokia N95

I mate is a PDA , and you will not use all it function

Anonymous said...

I got a Nokia N95 yesterday and I love it!

Who-sane! said...

Hi there.

Before I bought the N95 I was using the K-Jam, which is exactly the same as JasJam but with a sliding keyboard.

I'll tell you, there is no comparison at all, especially if you're a lady who does a lot of text writing, with the Jasjam you'll always have to use the stylus, so if you're driving then forget about making a phone call (because you have to choose the name from the contact list using your stylus or by scrolling down to the name, which takes ages!)

the camera on the N95 is an amazing 5 Megapixel with amazing clarity! You can take photos and print and no one can tell the difference.

the support for imate isn't all that great and that's because there aren't a lot of people who know how to work on Windows Mobile (which is i-mate's operating system), whereas there are so many people who are experienced in handeling Symbian OS. and so many more reasons. The i-mate is an excellent phone but there's no comparison with the N95.

Hope that helps :)

LEMNA said...

I have Nokia N72, as I work for Nokia and they gave me this cellphone, but I prefer Sony Ericsson :)

ghoweljlsfqwef said...

Nokia 95! My sister got the imate and it was horrible. It is a really shity phone.

Lilly said...

thanks guys!