Since they start digging the tunnel in Madina Al-Tibeyeh Street, we have this hole in front of the showroom, to remind you of the date even check my old post about the electricity and phone line cutting off. And because they were working we had no right to complain, but it’s been like 30 days now and there is no body workin.
So we called the Greater Amman Municipality to file a complaint, their response was that they will close it within 10 days. Its 22 days now and none came!
We called them again and they said we should file a complaint to the Water Authority of Jordan since they are the one who dug it!!!!! : 8
So we called the Water Authority of Jordan and complained a file! Hopefully this HOLE will be closed NEXT YEAR!
So Frustrating!
wallah 7bal al 2amaneh men al 2a5er ,
3ala fekra post them mail it might work faster :)
you think so? i dont!
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